The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.
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Network Code | Network Name | Operated By | Deployment | DOI |
ZF (2007-2009) | Afar Consortium Network |
— | |
ZK (2009-2011) | Afar Depression Dense Seismic Array |
DOI | |
YQ (2017-2019) | Afar Margin Northern Profile |
DOI | |
Z5 (2018-2021) | A four-dimensional view of deformation in the Eastern Alaska Range - where did the slip on the Denali fault go? | DOI | ||
8A (2015-2018) | AfricaArray - Namibia |
DOI | |
ZQ (2006-2010) | Africa Array- S.Africa mine network |
— | |
YH (2010-2011) | AfricaArray SE Tanzania Basin Experiment |
DOI | |
ZP (2007-2009) | Africa Array- Uganda/Tanzania |
DOI | |
ZP (2010-2013) | Africa Array- Uganda/Tanzania |
— | |
XP (2020-2021) | Aftershock deployment for Stanley, ID earthquake 2020 | DOI | ||
YI (2023-2026) | AGEMERA | — | — | |
6J (2023-2025) | Agua Negra Deep Experiment Site | — | DOI | |
XA (2012-2012) | AIDA_Maine |
— | |
3O (2019-2020) | AKIMBA | DOI | ||
XD (2018-2019) | Alaska Community OBS Experiment |
— | |
ZF (2011-2011) | Alaska Langseth Experiment to Understand the megaThrust |
DOI | |
ZB (1994-1996) | Alaska TE |
— | |
2D (2010-2011) | Albacore |
— | |
X3 (2022-2024) | AlbaNian TectonIcs of Continental Subduction | — | — | |
1K (2013-2015) | Albany-Fraser Experiment | DOI | ||
XW (2019-2022) | ALBION2 | DOI | ||
ZJ (2003-2003) | Alborz Transect |
France | — |
9C (2014-2016) | Aleutian Array of Arrays |
DOI | |
8T (2018-2022) | Aleutian Subduction Zone GNSS-A 2017-2023 |
DOI | |
YR (2008-2010) | ALFA08 |
DOI | |
3Y (2020-2022) | Along-Dip Influence of the Challenger Fault Zone on Slip Behavior and Rheology, Chile | — | DOI | |
2V (2019-2020) | Along-Dip Segmentation of the Slip Behavior and Rheology of the Copiapó Ridge, Chile | — | DOI | |
Z3 (2015-2022) | AlpArray |
DOI | |
XM (2005-2006) | ALPASS | — | ||
XH (1996-1997) | Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Seismic Experiment | DOI | ||
XG (1997-1998) | Amazon |
Germany | — |
YJ (2024-2025) | Ambient Noise records of San Vito Romano landslide | — | DOI | |
3D (2008-2009) | Ambient Seismic Experiment Tasmania 1 | — | DOI | |
Y9 (2022-2025) | Amplify EGS Monitoring Network | — | DOI | |
9H (1968-2002) | An Assembled Western US Dataset for Regional Seismic Analysis |
United States of America | — |
XL (1997-1997) | An asthenosphere-lithosphere probe in North America | DOI | ||
ZC (2006-2008) | Anatahan and submarine Mariana volcanos |
DOI | |
9J (2024-2024) | Anatomy and dynamics of volcanic systems: insights from a joint seismic tomography and seismicity analysis of Kilauea Volcano | DOI | ||
XA (1997-1999) | Anatomy of an Archean Craton, South Africa, A Multidisciplinary Experiment across the Kaapvaal Craton | DOI | ||
XO (1996-1996) | ANCORP96-AN |
Germany | — |
ZE (1996-1997) | ANCORP-TE |
DOI | |
9H (2019-2019) | Andi 2019 |
China | — |
YS (2008-2008) | Andravida (Greece) Aftershock Experiment |
France | — |
YM (2020-2020) | Andreanoff Active-Source OBS Experiment | DOI | ||
2L (2024-2026) | A New Instrument and Measurement Approach to Antarctic Cryo-Seismogeodesy |
DOI | |
YF (2005-2005) | A new survey studies the Northeastern Caribbean plate: GEOPRICO-DO Project | — | ||
Y6 (2020-2022) | Anillo |
— | DOI |
YM (2010-2012) | An Integrated Analysis of Low-Frequency Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile |
DOI | |
XG (1994-1994) | Anisotropy AI |
Germany | — |
ZB (2019-2020) | Anisotropy and structure of the Priestley Glacier shear margin, Antarctica |
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