International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
YE (2010-2010) SeaJade I
  • Geological Survey of Canada, Canada
7Q (2004-2005) SEAL
7T (2007-2007) SEAL2
7U (2007-2008) SEAL3
ZL (2005-2006) Sea of Cortez Ocean Bottom Array
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), United States of America
4R (2018-2020) SEA-SEIS (Structure, Evolution And SEISmicity of the Irish offshore)
YE (1999-2005) Seattle Site Response
  • None,
2U (2018-2026) Sedgwick Reserve
ZT (2023-2023) Sedrun IRIS DASMonth
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland
ZR (2020-2025) SEIS-ADELICE
Z8 (2018-2019) seis_iitmandi
ZD (2007-2009) Seismcity of Quebrada-Discovery-gofur- Transforms ( QDG)
XE (2012-2014) Seismic Activity of Low Angle Normal Faults in Death Valley, Caifornia
  • University of Washington, United States of America
S7 SeismicAI Global MEMS Network
S3 SeismicAI Global Network
X2 (2009-2010) Seismic Analysis of the HiKurangi Experimentm Wellington Geophysical Transect
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
9G (2011-2011) Seismic Analysis of the Hikurangi Experiment Wellington Geophysical Transect
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
New Zealand
XQ (2007-2009) Seismic and Geodetic Investigations of Mendocino Triple Junction Dynamics
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
ZV (2017-2017) Seismic and Geomorphic Characterization of Mass Wasting Events Associated with the 2017 Brian Head Fire
9J (2019-2020) Seismic and Infrasound Networks to study the volcano Oldoinyo Lengai
  • Institute for Geosciences - Goethe University, Germany
5L (2013-2017) Seismic array data for monitoring and tracking tremor sources during subglacial floods and volcanic eruptions at Vatnajökull (Vatna Glacier), Iceland
6A (2013-2016) Seismic Array iNegrated Detection for a Window of Indian Continental Head
XK (2015-2015) Seismic Array of the Sevilleta
  • University of New Mexico (UNM), United States of America
9D (2015-2015) Seismic Array of the Sevilleta
XK (2012-2014) Seismic Arrays for African Rift Initation
  • Missouri University of Science & Technology (Missouri S&T), United States of America
3M (2024-2026) Seismic Arrays for the Soise characterization for the Sardinia Einstein Telescope candidacy
XH (2004-2004) Seismic Array Studies of Cascadia Deep Tremor
XI (2024-2024) Seismic Baseline Survey Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico in Texas
  • University of Houston
4M (2022-2027) Seismic Campaign Around the Lombardian Pass network DOI
X3 (2018-2018) Seismic Characterization and Tracking of Flash Floods in a Post-Fire Arid Canyon System
  • University of South Florida (USF), United States of America
1C (2011-2014) Seismic Characterization of Menengai Crater, Kenya
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
6C (2011-2011) Seismic Cluster Investigation in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
2E (2010-2011) Seismic Coherence and Site Effect Studies at Precarious Rock Locations in Riverside, California
  • USGS Caltech, Pasadena, United States of America
LV Seismic Data in North West of UK United Kingdom DOI
Z4 (2014-2019) Seismic data of Santiguito volcano
  • University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
ZC (2010-2012) Seismic Detection of Avalanches
ZD (2023-2025) Seismic determination of bedload and morphodynamic trends in the Nisqually River of Mount Rainier National Park, WA, USA
  • University of Waterloo
ZE (2025-2025) Seismic determination of bedload and morphodynamic trends in the Nisqually River of Mount Rainier National Park, WA, USA
  • University of Waterloo
ZE (2023-2023) Seismic determination of bedload and morphodynamic trends in the Nisqually River of Mount Rainier National Park, WA, USA
  • University of Waterloo
ZE (2024-2024) Seismic determination of bedload and morphodynamic trends in the Nisqually River of Mount Rainier National Park, WA, USA
  • University of Waterloo
ZM (2017-2021) Seismic Emergency for Ischia by Sismiko
6A (2007-2007) Seismic Experiment Active Caribbean Andesite Lava Island Precision Seismo-geodetic Observatory
  • Penn State University, United States of America
Y7 (2007-2008) Seismic Experiment Active Caribbean Andesitic Lava Island Perscison Seismio-Geodetic Observatory
  • Penn State University, United States of America
XP (2015-2019) Seismic Experiment for Imaging Structure beneath Connecticut
  • Yale University, United States of America
YN (1999-2004) Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica
  • Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), United States of America
XB (1997-1999) Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica, A Broadband study of the tectonics and structure of the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea Regions
XJ (2004-2006) Seismic Experiment in the Aisen Region of Chile
  • University of Cambridge Earth Sciences, United Kingdom
YV (2017-2017) Seismic experiments at the USGS Debris Flow Flume
5G (2023-2023) Seismic exploration of motion dynamcis of the Slumgullion landslide
6G (2023-2024) Seismic exploration of motion dynamcis of the Slumgullion landslide

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The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.