International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
4K (2024-2025) Fiordland Seismological Sounding of Landslides and Earthquakes (FISSLE) DOI
HE Finnish National Seismic Network
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
4E (2015-2016) Field Research Station broadband seismometer network
  • University of Bristol, United Kingdom
9N (2018-2018) Fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing, seismological and infrasonic data from Etna DOI
8W (2022-2023) Fernandina seismic deployment DOI
6C (2009-2010) Ferghana
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
3P (2022-2024) Fault zone hydrogeological response to earthquakes
XV (2014-2019) Fault Locations and Alaska Tectonics from Seismicity
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
YG (2016-2018) Fate and consequences of Yakutat terrane subduction beneath eastern Alaska and the Wrangell Volcanic Field
  • Cornell University, United States of America
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
4N (2023-2023) Fast Response Aftershock network for the Moroccan Earthquake 2023 DOI
XA (2025-2027) FarSide Seismic Suite
YB (2011-2012) Faroe Islands Passive Seismic Experiment
ZZ (2019-2022) Farnsworth Unit Surface Seismic Array
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
FG Fallon Microearthquake Network United States of America
8E (2019-2019) Faial-Pico2019
XH (2021-2021) Fagradalsfjall Acoustics
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), United States of America
F1 F1
9M (2023-2024) Eyre Peninsula Nodal Array DOI
7G (2010-2010) Eyjafjallajokull EY
  • University of Iceland, Iceland
EX EXTREMA Network Italy
Y4 (2014-2015) Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment, 2014-2015
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
1H (2023-2023) Exploring the potential of geophones for quantifying bedload tranpsort and river ice break up in the Canning River, Alaska
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CU), United States of America
XR (2023-2023) Exploring the potential of geophones for quantifying bedload tranpsort and river ice break up in the Canning River, Alaska
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CU), United States of America
3E (2010-2011) Exploring Seismic Velocity of Sediments in the Mississippi Embayment
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America
YY (2013-2016) Exploring extensional tectonics beyond the Ethiopian Rift
  • Cornell University, United States of America
6C (2023-2023) Exploratory monitoring of meteotsunami events on the Laurentian Great Lakes
  • Michigan Tech
XY (2011-2012) Experiment to Determine Hypocenters and Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes Occurring in Association with Imaged Faults Near Summeville, South Carolina
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), United States of America
3E (2018-2018) Experiment in Fuego
  • University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
XZ (2018-2018) Experiment in Fuego
X6 (2018-2018) Experimental Multiblast
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America
VS Evora Seismic Network
YB (2016-2016) Evolution of Slow-Spreading Oceanic Crust: South Atlantic
  • Texas A&M University, United States of America
X6 (2012-2012) Evolution and hydration of the Juan de Fuca crust and uppermost mantle
YJ (2008-2008) Evaluation of ACROSS-type Source for San Andreas Fault
7R (2005-2006) EVA
EG EUROSEISTEST Strong Motion Network
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
OF European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory - France
YN (2009-2009) ETMO: Endeavour Seismic Tomography Experiment
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
EH Ethiopian Seismic Network
  • Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
XJ (2002-2003) Ethiopian Afar Geophysical Lithospheric Experiment
  • Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
XM (2002-2003) Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment 6TD Passive Array
  • University of Leicester (SEIS UK), United Kingdom
YJ (2001-2003) Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment
5B (2021-2022) ET Database of Belgium DOI
ZJ (2016-2016) Estudio de suelos en Manabí (Ecuador)
  • Escuela Politecnica Nacional-Instituto Geofisico, Chile
EE Estonian Seismic Network
  • Geological Survey of Estonia (GSE), Estonia
YZ (2015-2016) Establishing Background Microseismicity at Proposed Geothermal Site at Cornell Univerity
  • Cornell University, United States of America
YQ (2020-2022) Establishing a new, permanent seismic station in Mammoth Cave National Park
  • University of Kentucky
ZO (2005-2005) ESMERALDAS
XW (2013-2014) ESG Bayou Corne
  • ESG Solutions, Canada
ZA (1992-1992) Erzican
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany

Network Data API

The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.