International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

Started: 2023-12-22 13:32:23
Last activity: 2024-01-17 16:21:24
Dear Working Group III,

The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
work with the following recommendation:

The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
specification as
submitted and revised.

The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
*Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

Chad Trabant
Chair, WG III

  • EarthScope votes YES to approve the Seedlink version 4 specification.
    Jerry A Carter, Ph.D.
    Data Services Coordinator

    On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 1:33 PM Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
    work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
    specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
    specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
    Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
    that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
    evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
    thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
    developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

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    • UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory votes YES to approve the Seedlink
      version 4 specification.

      Ivan Henson

      On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 7:25 AM Jerry Carter (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

      EarthScope votes YES to approve the Seedlink version 4 specification.
      Jerry A Carter, Ph.D.
      Data Services Coordinator

      On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 1:33 PM Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

      Dear Working Group III,

      The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed
      their work with the following recommendation:

      The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
      specification as
      submitted and revised.

      The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

      I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
      specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
      *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

      Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
      Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
      that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
      evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
      thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
      developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

      The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

      Chad Trabant
      Chair, WG III

      FDSN Working Group III
      Topic home:
      | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

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      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Working Group III
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

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      Ivan Henson | University of California Berkeley | Berkeley Seismological
      215 McCone Hall # 4760 | Berkeley, CA 94720-4760 | 408-620-2650

  • South Carolina Seismic Network votes yes.

    Philip Crotwell

    On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 4:33 PM Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
    work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
    specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
    specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
    Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
    that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
    evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
    thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
    developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

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  • GEOSCOPE (France) votes yes
    Martin Vallée
  • Swiss Seismological Service votes YES

    John Clinton
  • JAMSTEC votes YES.

    Seiji tsuboi

    2023年12月23日(土) 6:33 Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
    work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
    specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
    specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
    Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
    that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
    evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
    thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
    developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • IESDMC (BATS) votes yes.

    Wen-Tzong Liang

    -----Original message-----
    From:Chad Trabant (via FDSN)<fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>>
    To:FDSN Working Group III<fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 05:33:00
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at


    Canadian Hazards Information Service votes YES.

    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

    From: fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 4:33 PM
    To: FDSN Working Group III <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

    ***Caution - email originated from outside of NRCan. Read the warning below / Attention- Ce courriel provient de l'extérieur des RNCan. Voir la mise en garde ci-dessous***

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to docs.fdsn.org if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    This email originated from outside of NRCan. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and believe the content is safe. For information on how to recognize and report phishing emails, please visit the Phishing Spot on the NRCan Intranet.
    Ce courriel provient de l'extérieur des RNCan. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens et n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes, à moins de connaître l'expéditeur et croire que le contenu est sécuritaire. Pour plus d'informations sur la façon de reconnaître et de signaler les courriels d'hameçonnage, veuillez visiter le site hameçonnage sur l'intranet de RNCan.

  • NORSAR (NO) votes: yesy

    Dr. Johannes Schweitzer
    Principal Research Geophysicist
    Assoc. Professor (PHAB, University of Oslo)


    Gunnar Randers vei 15
    PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller
    Email: Johannes.schweitzer<at>
    Mobile: +47 41614946
    Phone: +47 63 80 59 00

    From: fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 10:33 PM
    To: FDSN Working Group III <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to docs.fdsn.org if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

  • GEOFON/GFZ votes YES

    Thanks to the evaluation team for the time spent on this.

    Happy new year,
    Angelo Strollo
    • The Swedish National Seismic Network votes YES

      Happy new year to everyone!
      Michael Roth

      On 08/01/2024 16:20, Angelo Strollo (via FDSN) wrote:
      GEOFON/GFZ votes YES

      Thanks to the evaluation team for the time spent on this.

      Happy new year,
      Angelo Strollo

      FDSN Working Group III
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

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      VARNING: Klicka inte på länkar och öppna inte bilagor om du inte känner igen avsändaren och vet att innehållet är säkert.
      CAUTION: Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

      Michael Roth
      Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN)
      Department of Earth Sciences - Geophysics
      Uppsala University
      Villavägen 16, SE-75236 Uppsala
      Tel: +46 18 4712378
      Cell: +46 73 3916754

      När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:

      E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:

  • The Texas Seismological Network (TexNet) votes YES.

    Thanks, and Best Regards,

    Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D., Research Professor
    Manager and PI of Texas Seismological Network and Seismology Research (TexNet)
    Cell: (737) 202-8750

    From: fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 3:33 PM
    To: FDSN Working Group III <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to docs.fdsn.org if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

  • Dear all,

    NOA votes YES

    Happy New Year and our sincere thanks to the evaluation team.

    Kind regards,

    Christos Evangelidis

    On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 11:33 PM Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
    work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
    specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
    specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
    Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
    that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
    evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
    thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
    developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Dr. Christos Evangelidis
    Senior Researcher - Seismologist
    Hellenic Broadband Seismic Network
    Tel:+30 210 3490043
    Email: cevan<at>

  • CRSN Czech Republic votes YES

    Ludek Vecsey

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed
    their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
    specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
    specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
    Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can
    say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
    evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated.
    Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
    developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) votes YES.

    Thanks to the evaluation team for their time and efforts.

    Happy new year & best regards,

    Musavver Didem Cambaz

    From: fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at> [fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>]
    Sent: 23 Aralık 2023 Cumartesi 00:33
    To: FDSN Working Group III <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard, deadline 15 January 2024

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.

    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant

    Chair, WG III

    • Marcelo Belentani de Bianchi
      2024-01-11 15:14:09
      University of São Paulo Seismological Center (CS-USP) votes YES.


      Marcelo Bianchi
      Rua do Matão, 1226, office D-206
      +55 (11) 9820-10-930 ~ +55 (11) 3091-4743 ~

      Em qui., 11 de jan. de 2024 às 12:37, Didem Cambaz (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> escreveu:

      Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) votes YES.

      Thanks to the evaluation team for their time and efforts.

      Happy new year & best regards,

      Musavver Didem Cambaz

      *From:* fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at> [mailto:
      *Sent:* 23 Aralık 2023 Cumartesi 00:33
      *To:* FDSN Working Group III <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>
      *Subject:* [fdsn-wg3-products] Vote on adoption of SeedLink v4 standard,
      deadline 15 January 2024

      Dear Working Group III,

      The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their
      work with the following recommendation:

      The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4
      specification as
      submitted and revised.

      The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

      I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this
      specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.

      *Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.*

      Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton,
      Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say
      that the specification was greatly improved through the process of
      evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also,
      thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for
      developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for

      The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

      Chad Trabant

      Chair, WG III
      FDSN Working Group III
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

  • Epos-France (formerly, Résif-Epos) votes YES on adoption of the Seedlink version 4 specification.

    With my apologies for late reply,

    Claudio Satriano

    Il giorno 22 dic 2023, alle ore 22:33, Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> ha scritto:

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • INGV / Mednet votes YES.


    On 22 Dec 2023, at 22:33, Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear Working Group III,

    The Evaluation Team reviewing the SeedLink v4 proposal has completed their work with the following recommendation:

    The evaluation team recommends approval of the Seedlink version 4 specification as
    submitted and revised.

    The full report, including references to review discussion, is attached.

    I request that FDSN member representatives now vote on adoption of this specification as an FDSN standard by responding to this email.
    Please submit your vote before 15 January 2024.

    Thank you to the evaluation team members Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Mark Chadwick, Charles Blais, Roman Racine, and Eliseo Banda. I can say that the specification was greatly improved through the process of evaluation and discussion, and your efforts are very appreciated. Also, thank you to Andres Heinloo, Angelo Strollo, and Jerry Carter for developing the initial specification draft and submitting it for consideration.

    The proposal specification is available at:, and will be transferred to if adopted.

    Chad Trabant
    Chair, WG III

    FDSN Working Group III
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at