International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
8T (2023-2027) Denman Glacier System
  • University of Tasmania, Australia
YH (2012-2013) Dense Array for North Anatolia
6E (2019-2019) Dense nodal deployment at some test sites for the upcoming FaultScan project
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), United States of America
2R (2022-2023) Dense seismic node Arrays on Montagne Pelée, Martinique DOI
9A (2017-2018) Dense seismic three-component nodal array at the Bud Wellman Ranch
  • UC San Diego, United States of America
9D (2016-2016) Dense seismic three-component nodal array at the Ramona Reservation
  • UC San Diego, United States of America
Z8 (2013-2015) Dense Virtual Seismic Array at Pacaya
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America
7S (2019-2021) Dense Westland Arrays Researching Fault Segmentation: What controls earthquake segmentation along New Zealand's Alpine Fault?
YG (2013-2014) Deployment for the Southern Cook Strait Earthquake Sequence
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
XR (2012-2014) Deployment of a simultaneous broadband gradiometers to quantify the effects of aperture and near-surface geology on gradient-der
  • East Carolina University (ECU), United States of America
XJ (2018-2027) Deployments associated with OBS deployments in Swiss Lakes
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland
ZR (2000-2004) DESERT
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
3B (2008-2013) Desert Peak EGS
Z4 (2006-2008) DESIRE
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
2D (2018-2019) DESTRESS – Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs
YG (2019-2019) DESTRESS monitoring network in Iceland
Y8 (2009-2011) Detection and location of non-volcanic tremor in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America
Z8 (2021-2021) Determination of the deep shear wave velocity structure of Hidden Valley and western Washoe Valley, NV
  • University of Cincinnati
XO (2020-2020) Determination of the deep shear wave velocity structure of northwestern Washoe Valley
X5 (2018-2018) Determining the Shear Wave Velocity structure of Shallow Marine Sediments utilizing the MASW method
  • University of North Florida (UNF), United States of America
X1 (2004-2005) Development and Testing of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored- Buoy Seafloor Observatory
XD (2007-2010) Development of A Power and Communication for Remote Autonomous GPS and Seismic Stations in Antarctica
XZ (2003-2004) DHOFAR Seismic Experiment
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
YR (2005-2007) Dhofar Seismic Experiment II
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
Z5 (2007-2007) Discrete vs. Continuous Continental Deformation and the Role of the Lower Crust in the Tien Shan
  • IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center @ New Mexico Tech, United States of America
XP (2005-2007) Discrete vs. Continuous Continental Deformation and the Role of the Lower Crust in the Tien Shan
9O (2021-2025) DIVEnet DOI
7B (2011-2016) Dixie Valley EGS United States of America
YR (2013-2015) DOMERAPI
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
3U (2021-2022) Domo de San Pedro BB DOI
5G (2004-2010) Dongbei Broadband Network
  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (LDEO), United States of America
ZS (2022-2022) Donghua
7C (2009-2012) DORA
  • Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST), France
8M (2018-2018) Dry Alluvium Geology 1
  • Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS)
9M (2018-2018) Dry Alluvium Geology 2
  • Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS)
5Q (2019-2019) Dry Alluvium Geology 3
  • Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS)
6Q (2019-2019) Dry Alluvium Geology 4
  • Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS)
4U (2018-2019) Dry Alluvium Geology Gradiometry
  • Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America
1V (2022-2022) Dry Forks Ambient Seismic Noise CCS Monitoring Experiment, Gillette, Wyoming
  • SIsprobe SAS
9D (2021-2021) Dryland Critical Zone: Jornada Piedmont Seismic Imaging
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
Z5 (2022-2024) Dry Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino graben (DRIAR), Uganda
  • Department of Geological Survey and Mines, Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development, Uganda
  • Northwestern University, United States of America
3Q (2019-2019) Dublin pilot test train experiment, phase 1 DOI
3Q (2021-2021) Dublin pilot test train experiment, phase 2 DOI
ZH (1999-1999) Duezce
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
9K (2019-2020) Durres, Albania earthquake aftershock campaign
ZO (2021-2031) Dynamic Planet (PD) multiparametric Northern Italy seismic network DOI
XN (2014-2014) Dynamic Response of the Ross Ice Shelf to to Wave Induced Vibrations
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), United States of America
5C (2009-2011) Dynamics of Lake-Calving Glaciers: Yakutat Glacier, Alaska
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
YA (2012-2013) Dynamics of the Lake Kivu System
  • University of Rochester, United States of America
ZK (2019-2020) Eagle Creek post-fire bedload transport seismic monitoring
  • University of Oregon, United States of America

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