The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.
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Network Code | Network Name | Operated By | Deployment | DOI |
X8 (2007-2010) | Studies of Earthquakes & Rapid Motions of Ice |
United States of America | — |
XI (1998-1999) | Study of Changbai Volcanoes and Deep Subduction Zone | DOI | ||
YQ (2013-2016) | Study of Extension and maGmatism in Malawi aNd Tanzania |
DOI | |
1C (2008-2008) | Study of the Crustal Structure of Northern Vietnam |
DOI | |
ZT (2008-2010) | Study of the Dynamic of Utiku Landslide (NZ) |
France | — |
XE (2015-2015) | Study of the Socorro Magma Body |
DOI | |
4H (2023-2024) | Stypsi Geothermal Field Network |
— | DOI |
5A (2014-2016) | Subduction Reversal and the Ontong Java Plateau |
DOI | |
5W (2023-2024) | SUBMERSE Svalbard OBS deployment | — | DOI | |
5U (2020-2035) | Subnet of SXNET |
— | — |
6U (2020-2035) | Subnet of WEBNET | — | — | |
6E (2021-2021) | Sub-surface imaging of the west Reno basin | DOI | ||
5G (2014-2015) | SUGAR |
— | |
5R (2019-2020) | Sulawesi and Celebes Sea Ocean-bottom Seismic Network |
— | DOI |
ZE (2002-2002) | Sultandagi |
Germany | — |
ZB (2007-2009) | Sumatra Segmentation and Aftershocks Deployment |
— | |
4C (2016-2016) | Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Active Seismic 2016 |
DOI | |
Z5 (2017-2017) | Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Active Seismic 2017 |
DOI | |
8H (2018-2018) | Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Active Seismic 2018 |
DOI | |
2N (2019-2019) | Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience Active Seismic 2019 |
DOI | |
X2 (2013-2014) | Sunset Seismic Experiment | — | ||
XI (2011-2013) | Superior Province Rifting Earthscope Experiment |
DOI | |
6E (2018-2018) | Surface-wave characterization of the SHOAL nuclear blast cavity and rubble chimney | DOI | ||
5J (2023-2023) | Survey of upper 200 m structure near ANMO using hammer source |
DOI | |
XG (2019-2019) | Svalbard - Vallunden |
DOI | |
ZB (1998-1999) | Svekalapko |
— | |
1B (2014-2014) | Sweetwater Array |
— | |
XB (2014-2014) | Sweetwater Array |
DOI | |
Y5 (2022-2026) | Swiss Contribution to AdriaArray Temporary Network |
— | DOI |
8D (1980-2030) | Swiss Seismological Service Aftershock Deployments | DOI | ||
4D (2012-2025) | Swiss temporary deployments on glaciers | Switzerland | DOI | |
6C (2006-2008) | Syros (Cyclades) |
— | DOI |
2E (2024-2024) | SZNet 2024 Ashland Field Campaign |
DOI | |
YZ (2004-2004) | Tabriz Experiment |
DOI | |
XV (2001-2001) | Tacoma Array |
— | |
XI (2003-2004) | TAG Hydrothermal Mound Passive Seismic Experiment | — | ||
Z5 (2005-2006) | Tahiti Plume |
— | |
X3 (2006-2006) | TAIGER active source explosion pilot test |
DOI | |
1F (2008-2008) | Taiwan Geodynamics Project - TAIGER 2008 SP Piggyback |
DOI | |
3C (2008-2008) | Taiwan Geodynamics Project- TAIGER-A 200612 (1F-2008) continuation |
— | |
2F (2009-2009) | Taiwan Supplement #2 to TAIGER project |
DOI | |
YM (2006-2009) | Taiwan Supplement #2 to TAIGER project | DOI | ||
ZQ (2015-2016) | Taku Glacier |
DOI | |
X5 (2020-2020) | Taltal | — | DOI | |
YQ (2023-2023) | Tampnet-ASN DAS month | — | DOI | |
XM (2022-2024) | TANGO-BB |
DOI | |
1X (2022-2023) | TANGO, Collaborative Research: TransANdean Great Orogeny, Nodes/Argentina deployment. |
DOI | |
XN (2022-2023) | TANGO-Node |
DOI | |
8E (2010-2010) | TANGSHAN |
DOI | |
YO (2001-2002) | Taranaki |
— |
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