International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
ZW (2013-2024) North Texas Earthquake Study: Azle and Irving/Dallas
  • Southern Methodist University (SMU), United States of America
4F (2015-2025) North Texas Earthquake Study: Venus (Johnson County), TX
  • Southern Methodist University (SMU), United States of America
YQ (2004-2005) Northwest Nevada Seismic Experiment, Deep crustal structure of the northernmost Basin and Range and its relation to extensional faulting
3N (2023-2024) North York Moors Array
  • University of Oxford, United Kingdom
YY (2005-2007) Norway 05
  • Instituto Andaluz de Geofisica Universidad de Granada (UGR), Spain
2E (2014-2016) Norway Microbarom Study 2014
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), United States of America
4P (2006-2018) NSF EarthScope USArray Magnetotelluric Transportable and Backbone Arrays DOI
8E (2016-2017) NSF funded project on winds in complex terrain at Perdigao
  • Cornell University, United States of America
ZH (2024-2025) NSFGEO-NERC: Investigating the direct influence of meltwater on Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics
  • Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
YP (2008-2008) NTS October 2008
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), United States of America
6T (2018-2025) NT Spiral Array DOI
ZH (2003-2003) NW Zagros Transet
ZL (2017-2018) NZ3D FWI
  • Imperial College London, United Kingdom
3C (2017-2018) NZ3D FWI
  • Imperial College London, United Kingdom
YS (2001-2003) Observational Constraints on Persistent Water Level Changes Generated by Seismic Waves
YF (2012-2027) Observation of a glacier calving event using a network of GPS and Seismic sensors
  • New York University (NYU), United States of America
3A (2023-2023) Observing 3D propagation at the Atlantis II Seamount Complex
XC (2012-2014) Observing Pine Island Glacier (PIG) ice shelf deformation and fracture using a GPS and Seismic Network
  • New York University (NYU), United States of America
2B (2010-2011) OBSIP: Bering Sea Active Source Experiment
Z6 (2018-2018) OBS survey of Kilauea's submarine south flank following the May 4, 2018 M6.9 earthquake and Lower East Rift Zone eruption
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), United States of America
XM (1998-1998) Ocean Seismic Network Exp.
X7 (2020-2022) Ochtendung fault line
ZQ (2011-2012) Oklahoma RAMP
  • University of Oklahoma (OU), United States of America
4H (2014-2017) Oklahoma State University Seismic Network
  • Oklahoma State University (OSU), United States of America
XC (1994-1994) Olympics
3G (2021-2023) Olympics 2021
  • USGS Menlo Park, United States of America
7F (2019-2020) Oman Borehole Project Land Stations
2F (2010-2011) OMBRA seismic network
5G (2016-2017) Onshore PICTURES DOI
3V (2022-2028) Onshore seismic network of the Integrated Deep-Ocean Observing System (IDOOS) at the Atacama seismic gap in northern Chile DOI
XQ (2003-2005) Oregon Array for Teleseismic Study
XT (2006-2008) Oregon Array for Teleseismic Study II
7K (2020-2023) Oreo Earth Flow
ZG (2006-2009) Origin of the Columbia River Basalts and Uplift of the Wallowa Mountains
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
ZU (2015-2017) OROGEN-X
  • Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP), France
YC (1999-1999) Osa Penninsula, Costa Rica
3H (2011-2013) OSISEC : Seismological Observation of the Ecuadorian Subduction Zone
6K (2014-2015) Otago temporary broadband network DOI
XO (2011-2015) Ozark Illinois Indiana Kentucky (OIINK) Flexible Array Experiment
  • Indiana University Bloomington (IU Bloomington), United States of America
XC (2011-2011) Pacaya Tremor
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America
6L (2018-2018) PACIFIC ambient noise dense seismic survey at Marathon deposits
XE (2018-2019) Pacific Array - Haxby
  • IRIS HQ, United States of America
2S (2023-2029) Pacific Coast Seismic Assessment for Faults and Earthquakes DOI
8E (2021-2021) PACIFIC multi array for ambient noise seismic survey at Kallak Iron ore deposit (KALLAK) DOI
7B (2019-2021) PacificORCA
XA (2024-2024) Palatino multi-parametric network
3N (2022-2022) Paleovalley ICDP site survey (resubmission for NSF)
  • University of Oklahoma (OU), United States of America
XC (1993-1993) PANDA -- Hawaii Experiment
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America
XE (1989-1992) PANDA -- New Madrid Experiment
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America
XA (1987-1988) PANDA -- San Juan, Argentina Experiment
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America

Network Data API

The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.