The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.
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Network Code | Network Name | Operated By | Deployment | DOI |
6J (2019-2020) | Los Angeles Basin Seismic Experiment |
DOI | |
4M (2018-2019) | Los Angeles Basin Seismic Experiment |
DOI | |
1J (1996-2016) | Long Valley Caldera Full Waveform Tomography |
— | |
1D (2023-2043) | Longterm monitoring of swarm earthquakes in the western Eger rift | — | — | |
4O (2018-2020) | Longmen P | DOI | ||
2F (2012-2013) | LONGMEN |
DOI | |
XI (2014-2014) | Long Beach Broadband or LA Syncline Seismic Interferometry Experiment |
DOI | |
1L (2017-2018) | Loki Castle Hydrothermal in-situ Experiments and Seismology Surveys | DOI | ||
8M (2019-2020) | Loki Castle | — | DOI | |
9A (2010-2011) | Loihi Seismicity | — | ||
9T (1979-1992) | LNN Legacy Explosions Dataset Release |
DOI | |
XW (2015-2015) | Llaima volcano | — | DOI | |
ZN (2006-2007) | Lithospheric structure of West Greenland |
— | |
ZZ (2007-2009) | Lithospheric Structure of the Puna Plateau |
— | |
XK (1999-2000) | Lithospheric Structure and Evolution of the Rocky Mountain Transect | DOI | ||
ZL (2007-2009) | Lithospheric Structure and Deformation of the Flat Slab Region of Argentina |
DOI | |
6C (2024-2024) | Listening for sediment transport and river ice dynamics in Arctic Rivers - Year 2 |
DOI | |
9G (2023-2028) | Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System Monitoring Network | — | DOI | |
YQ (2009-2011) | Lincoln Noise Study |
DOI | |
XA (2000-2001) | LIGO Noise Study | — | DOI | |
Y1 (2010-2012) | Libris |
France | — |
7T (2019-2020) | LHS |
— | DOI |
YX (2013-2015) | Lhasa Block Top to Bottom--Lithospheric Evolution of Asia’s Leading Edge |
— | |
7M (1998-1998) | LF98 | DOI | ||
XB (1966-1972) | Leo Brady Seismic Network legacy data |
DOI | |
X5 (2017-2017) | Lemon Creek Glacier - UTEP |
DOI | |
X5 (2015-2016) | Lefkada temporary network |
DOI | |
X9 (2023-2023) | Leeds-Blacknest Eskdalemuir distributed acoustic sensing experiment February 2023 | — | DOI | |
5X (2022-2023) | LE contribution to _EIFEL-LNX | — | DOI | |
YL (2009-2011) | Lau Basin OBS Experiment | — | ||
6H (2021-2021) | Las Vegas hammer seismic | DOI | ||
2G (2016-2016) | Lastarria volcano experiment |
DOI | |
5A (2020-2020) | Large Surface Explosion Coupling Experiment |
DOI | |
2A (2016-2016) | LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma | DOI | ||
2L (2018-2019) | LARGE-MEM | DOI | ||
YK (2022-2022) | Large High-Performance Outdoor Shake Table Upgrade Project - Characterization Tests | — | DOI | |
XF (2000-2001) | Laramie Telemetered Broad-band Array | DOI | ||
Z9 (2009-2009) | Laramide Landslides |
United States of America | — |
XJ (2009-2009) | L' Aquila Aftershock Experiment | DOI | ||
8B (2016-2027) | Laptev Sea Rift Seismological Network |
DOI | |
8G (2021-2022) | La Palma 2021 eruption OBS network | — | DOI | |
YL (2023-2023) | Landslide Monitoring via Distributed Acoustic Sensing | — | DOI | |
XB (1992-1992) | Landers Aftershocks | DOI | ||
Z4 (2023-2023) | La Laigne post-seismic |
— | DOI |
7A (2008-2008) | Lake Toba |
DOI | |
X2 (2016-2016) | Lake Pontchantrain Wind-Wave Monitoring Deployment |
— | |
7D (2018-2021) | Lake-induced earthquakes in Lake Erie |
DOI | |
1G (2020-2021) | Lake George Seismic Nodal Array | — | DOI | |
5G (2018-2022) | Lake Eyre Basin | DOI | ||
YQ (2024-2025) | Lake basin seismic response measurements for Lake Skilak, Alaska | DOI |
The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.