International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

9N (2022-2024): Seismic investigation of the Puerto Rico subduction zone: structure, seismic hazard, and hydration of slow-spreading lithosphere

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FDSN code 9N (2022-2024) Network name Seismic investigation of the Puerto Rico subduction zone: structure, seismic hazard, and hydration of slow-spreading lithosphere (Puerto Rico Trench A/P Bb Experiment)
Start year 2022 Operated by
  • University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez; Puerto Rico Seismic Network
End year 2024 Deployment region -

We propose to conduct an active-source seismic experiment across the Puerto Rico Trench (PRT), its outer rise, and across the island arc, together with a land passive-source experiment. Three wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction transects with OBS will be conducted across the PRT. The central OBS profile will extend across Puerto Rico and the accretionary prism south of it. Two other OBS profiles will run across the PRT at the eastern and western sections. Four multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection lines will be collected, two parallel to and inland from the trench, and two parallel to the central OBS profile. We plan to deploy an array of short-period land seismometers, interspaced with a dozen broad-band seismometer, the latter of which will be left for 18 months to record earthquakes. Work similar to that proposed here has never been conducted across the PRT because of the trench’s large water depth. This gap in scientific knowledge persists despite the PRT being part of the U.S. EEZ and the significant geological hazards for the region. This project takes advantage of the recent availability of deep water (up to 9,000 m) OBSs from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, which will be a collaborating partner in the project. We request the use of the 15-km long MCS steamer of the R/V Langseth, 25 short-period OBS instruments from US OBSIC, and land seismometers from IRIS.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.7914/SN/9N_2022
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

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