International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: revised terms of reference: comment period open

Started: 2024-02-21 15:13:39
Last activity: 2024-03-14 06:58:22
Ackerley, Nicholas
2024-02-21 15:13:39

Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

The following changes to the wording of the terms of reference were proposed at the FDSN opening plenary on July 13, 2023, in Berlin. The wording is simplified, and a treasurer position is added to the FDSN executive committee:

"The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings."

Please reply with comments or concerns by March 15, 2024. If no amendments are proposed, or if they are minor, we will open a voting period lasting three weeks immediately following that.


Nick Ackerley
(he, him, il, lui)

Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

  • Hello Steering Committee Members

    I believe the proposed addition of the Treasurer is an excellent idea and indicates that the Excom is pursuing the idea of raising money as was discussed in Montreal if I remember correctly. I fully support that concept.

    As I mentioned at the FDSN meetings in Berlin, I believe it is important for the Executive Committee to come only from the Member organizations of the FDSN to maintain a direct connection between the Excom and FDSN member organizations. The Excom member does not have to be the organization’s FDSN Representative but I believe it is best to keep the requirement that all Excom members must be from an FDSN member organization. The suggested modification does not require this connection.

    It would be helpful for me to hear why the Excom believes dropping the requirement for Excom members to be drawn from FDSN organizations is needed. As a member of the FDSN nominations committee that prepared the slate of candidates for the Excom to consider at the Berlin meeting, I think we were able to find more than enough well-qualified candidates from FDSN organizations willing to serve for the various open positions. That was a good problem to have. If there were not enough potential and willing candidates from the FDSN member organizations that could be a reason to consider opening up Excom membership more broadly but I do not think there is a compelling case to do this.

    For these reasons and without better clarification from the Excom regarding the motivation I would not support the modification to the Terms of Reference as currently written in Nick Ackerley’s email to the FDSN representatives.

    Cheers and best to all
    Tim Ahern
    EarthScope-Oceans FDSN Representative

    On Feb 21, 2024, at 7:14 AM, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> wrote:


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    The following changes to the wording of the terms of reference were proposed at the FDSN opening plenary on July 13, 2023, in Berlin. The wording is simplified, and a treasurer position is added to the FDSN executive committee:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please reply with comments or concerns by March 15, 2024. If no amendments are proposed, or if they are minor, we will open a voting period lasting three weeks immediately following that.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

    FDSN representatives
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