International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FW: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town

Started: 2009-01-05 20:45:09
Last activity: 2009-01-05 20:45:09
Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
2009-01-05 20:45:09
Dear subscribers to the fdsn wg2 list,

Recently I sent around the email I enclose to the members of the WG2 I
have in my own list.

I realized that I did not sent the email to the FDSN listserver and that
is what I did now.

If you receive the email twice, sorry.

Best regards



From: Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
Sent: 02 January 2009 11:12
To: Bernard Dost; Genevieve Roult; Harold Bolton; Jim Lyons; Pete Davis;
Ray Buland; Salvatore Mazza; Seiji Tsuboi; Tim Ahern; Winfried Hanka
Cc: Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI); Eck van, Torild (KNMI)
Subject: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town

Dear members of FDSN WG-2,

First of all: all the best for 2009 to you all.

According to the distributed schedule, we will have a meeting in Cape
Town on Monday jan 13 13:00-14:30.

As an agenda I propose a similar one as last meeting:

1. SEED issues
2. Real time data exchange- protocols and methods
3. Standard interface to link distributed centers
4. Redistribution of data
5. XML developments (QuakeML)
6. Proposal station codes

I enclose the latest version of the draft on station codes that I
received from Ray Buland.

Also, I enclose a request to discuss the possibility to register a mime
type for SEED data.

If we have too little time for a thorough discussion on the station
coding issue, we might proceed on

Tuesday in a separate meeting that is proposed by Ray.

Although I did book my travel and hotel for the conference, there is a
possibility that I might have to

cancel my trip at the last moment due to personal circumstances. If this
happens I will inform you

and maybe Tim can be the chairperson for the meeting instead.

Hope to see you all soon and sorry for being late with my email.



From: Hank Ratzesberger [hankr<at>]
Sent: 28 October 2008 18:11
To: Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
Subject: Mime Type for FDSN Data

Dear Mr. Dost,

I'm taking the liberty of writing to you directly to follow up on this email thread that Tim Ahern forwarded to you.

We are asking for FDSN to assist us with the registration of a "mime-type" so that seed data files can be uniquely identified throughout the Internet in the same way that Word document or Apple movie files are.

When a file type has a universally recognized mime-type, then browsers and add-on programs can know how to handle the data. For example, the browser can launch programs or applets to view the data. Also, clicking on a link to a ".seed" or ".msd" file will invoke a dialog to save the file rather than attempt to display it as if it were a web page.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, http://www.iana,org/ is the official body responsible for this registration.

The application form is not complicated, but the RFC documents should be reviewed. I would be happy to assist you or anyone in your organization who is also interested in registering the mime-type for seed files.

Let me know if you have any questions.


On Oct 16, 2008, at 9:17 AM, Tim Ahern wrote:

Hi Rob and Hank

The chair of WG II is Bernard Dost. I am cc'ing Bernard on this
email. He would be the best FDSN contact for this issue.
IRIS can remain involved in the conversation.


On Oct 15, 2008, at 4:29 PM, Robert Casey wrote:

Hi Tim-

This highlights some email discussion that has hit Chad and Sandy
independently, with me in the middle. Looks like Hank needs to know
who to talk to at FSDN and I figured you might be able to
best act as either the contact or know who that person is.
Information below with a second email from Sandy's side:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chad Trabant <chad<at>>
Date: October 15, 2008 11:01:01 AM PDT
To: Hank Ratzesberger <hankr<at>>
Cc: antelope-users<at>
Subject: Re: [Antelope] Mime Type for miniseed file

Hello Hank,

We could use the private mime-types within the IRIS community, but
it might be more valuable if it were vetted by the FDSN since SEED
is an FDSN creation and under their control; I suggest you replace
"iris" with "fdsn" in your proposed types. You could ask your FDSN
representative to bring your proposals (or just the topic) to
working group II ( FDSNwgII.htm).

In the past I have used application/x-miniseed for Mini-SEED in an
HTTP stream so I'm sympathetic towards the desire for an agreed upon
mime type.


Hank Ratzesberger wrote:

I hope this is not too far off topic for this list, but I have a
need to deliver miniseed files over the Internet and want to assign
a mime-type to them to indicate the link is binary.

Has any convention been suggested or request to IANA been made?

How about:

application/vnd.iris.mseed *.msd, *.sd
application/vnd.iris.seed *.sd
application/vnd.iris.dataless-seed *.dsd

I'm not familiar with how complicated the IANA approval process is,
perhaps more that it is worth for official publication -- and IRIS
agrees. Contacting them next.

Thank you,

Hank Ratzesberger
Institute for Crustal Studies,
University of California, Santa Barbara

Antelope mailing list

Program Manager, IRIS Data Management System IRIS DMC
1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98105

(206)547-0393 x118
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Hank Ratzesberger
Institute for Crustal Studies,
University of California, Santa Barbara