International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

Started: 2023-04-12 18:27:23
Last activity: 2023-04-27 15:05:48
Dear WG2 members,

As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

The final recommendation was clear

"The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

In summary,

*When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
*What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
into the adoption phase.

I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
this period.

Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



Javier Quinteros
Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
Email: javier<at>

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

  • EarthScope (formerly IRIS) votes YES
    Jerry A Carter, Ph.D.
    Data Services Coordinator

    On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 9:28 AM Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • BGR (Germany) votes YES

      Best regards
      Klaus Stammler


      Dr. Klaus Stammler

      Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe | Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
      Erdbebendienst des Bundes, Kernwaffenteststopp | Federal Seismic Survey, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
      Geozentrum Hannover
      Stilleweg 2
      30655 Hannover

      Tel: +49 (0)511 643 2045
      On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 9:28 AM Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> > wrote:

      Dear WG2 members,

      As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
      the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

      The final recommendation was clear

      > "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical
      > perspective."

      As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
      using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
      recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
      its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

      In summary,

      *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
      *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
      into the adoption phase.

      I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
      this period.

      Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
      conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
      Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
      Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
      presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



      Javier Quinteros
      Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
      Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
      Email: javier<at> <javier<at>>

      Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
      Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
      Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
      Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

  • South Carolina Seismic Network votes Yes.

    Philip Crotwell

    On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 12:29 PM Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • The Northern California Seismic System votes YES.

      On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 11:44 AM Philip Crotwell (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

      South Carolina Seismic Network votes Yes.

      Philip Crotwell

      On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 12:29 PM Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

      Dear WG2 members,

      As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
      the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

      The final recommendation was clear

      "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

      As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
      using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
      recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
      its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

      In summary,

      *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
      *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
      into the adoption phase.

      I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
      this period.

      Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
      conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
      Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
      Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
      presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



      Javier Quinteros
      Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
      Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
      Email: javier<at>

      Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
      Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
      Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
      Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      Ivan Henson | University of California Berkeley | Berkeley Seismological
      215 McCone Hall # 4760 | Berkeley, CA 94720-4760 | 408-620-2650

  • OVSICORI-UNA (Costa Rica) says: YES


    El mié, 12 abr 2023 a la(s) 10:29, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) (
    fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> escribió:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Marino Protti
    Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica
    Universidad Nacional
    Apartado 1718-3000
    Heredia, COSTA RICA
    Tel. (506) 2562-4001

  • EarthScope-Oceans votes in favor.

    Tim Ahern

    On Apr 12, 2023, at 9:28 AM, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • Swedish National Seismic Network votes Yes

      Michael Roth
      On Apr 12, 2023, at 9:28 AM, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

      Dear WG2 members,

      As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
      the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

      The final recommendation was clear

      "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical
      As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
      using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
      recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
      its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

      In summary,

      *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
      *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
      into the adoption phase.

      I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
      this period.

      Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
      conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
      Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
      Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
      presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



      Javier Quinteros
      Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
      Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
      Email: javier<at>

      Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
      Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
      Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
      Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      VARNING: Klicka inte på länkar och öppna inte bilagor om du inte känner igen avsändaren och vet att innehållet är säkert.
      CAUTION: Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

      Michael Roth
      Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN)
      Department of Earth Sciences - Geophysics
      Uppsala University
      Villavägen 16, SE-75236 Uppsala
      Tel: +46 18 4712378
      Cell:+46 73 3916754

      När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:

      E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:

  • GEOSCOPE votes yes.
    Martin Vallée
  • CHIS/NRCan (operator of Canadian National Seismograph Network) votes Yes.

    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismic Analyst, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

    Analyste Sismique, Service canadien d'information sur les risques
    Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

    nicholas.ackerley<at> / 343-551-3972


    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
    Sent: April 12, 2023 12:28
    To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

    ***Caution - email originated from outside of NRCan. Read the warning below / Attention- Ce courriel provient de l'extérieur des RNCan. Voir la mise en garde ci-dessous***

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at
    This email originated from outside of NRCan. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and believe the content is safe. For more information, please visit How to Identify Phishing emails on the NRCan Intranet.
    Ce courriel provient de l'extérieur des RNCan. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens et n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes, à moins de connaître l'expéditeur et croire que le contenu est sécuritaire. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter Comment identifier des courriels d'hameçonnages dans l'intranet des RNCan.

  • GNS Science (New Zealand) votes YES

    Best regards,

    Mark Chadwick

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Thursday, 13 April 2023 04:28
    To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at
    Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited (GNS Science). If received in error please destroy and immediately notify GNS Science. Do not copy or disclose the contents.

    • Southern California Seismic Network votes YES


      Ellen Yu

      -----Original Message-----
      From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
      Sent: Thursday, 13 April 2023 04:28
      To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
      Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

      Dear WG2 members,

      As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

      The final recommendation was clear

      "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

      As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

      In summary,

      *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
      *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move into the adoption phase.

      I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within this period.

      Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
      Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



      Javier Quinteros
      Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
      Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
      Email: javier<at>

      Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
      Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
      Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at
      Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited (GNS Science). If received in error please destroy and immediately notify GNS Science. Do not copy or disclose the contents.

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

  • University of Bergen votes Yes.

    Best regards,

    Lars Ottemöller

    On 4/12/2023 6:28 PM, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) wrote:
    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical
    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.


  • GEOSCOPE votes yes.
    Martin Vallée
  • The Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zürich votes yes.


    Dr. John Clinton
    Director of Seismic Networks

    +41-(0)44-633-4436 - phone
    +41-(0)44-633-1065 - fax

    Swiss Seismological Service (SED)
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ)
    ETH, NO FO69.3, Sonneggstrasse 5,
    CH-8092 Zürich


  • Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS) votes YES

    All the best,

    Wen-Tzong Liang
    Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

    -----Original message-----
    From:Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
    To:FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
    Date:Thu, 13 Apr 2023 00:28:00
    Subject:[fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • JAMSTEC votes yes

    Seiji Tsuboi

    2023年4月13日(木) 1:28 Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • GEOSCOPE (France) votes yes


      Martin Vallée

      Le 20/04/2023 à 11:48, Seiji Tsuboi (via FDSN) a écrit :
      JAMSTEC votes yes

      Seiji Tsuboi

      2023年4月13日(木) 1:28 Javier Quinteros (via FDSN)

      Dear WG2 members,

      As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to
      the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

      The final recommendation was clear

      "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

      As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
      using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
      recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
      its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

      In summary,

      *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
      *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and
      into the adoption phase.

      I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can
      this period.

      Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their
      time to
      conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
      Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
      Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
      presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



      Javier Quinteros
      Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
      Fax:  +49 (0)331/288-1277
      Email: javier<at>

      Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
      Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
      Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
      Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center
      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe:fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      / Martin Vallée |vallee<at> /
      / Physicien CNAP (Professor) | tel: +33 (0)1 83 95 77 23 /
      / Director of the GEOSCOPE observatory /
      / /
      / Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris /
      / Office 307- 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 PARIS cedex 05 - France /

  • Résif-EPOS (France) votes YES.


    Claudio Satriano

    Il giorno 12 apr 2023, alle ore 18:28, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> ha scritto:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • ΝΟΑ (Greece) votes YES

    Kind regards,


    Dr. Christos Evangelidis
    Senior Researcher - Seismologist
    Hellenic Broadband Seismic Network
    Tel:+30 210 3490043
    Email: cevan<at>

    On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 7:29 PM Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: |
    Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Prime Ministry Disaster And Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) vote YES


    Tugbay KILIC

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 7:28 PM
    To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at
    AFAD E-Posta Feragatnamesi (Disclaimer)

  • Dear WG2 Colleagues,

    Sorry for the late response due to the national holidays, last week in Türkiye.

    Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) votes YES for the Acceptance of the Recommendation.

    Thank you very much for your efforts.
    Best regards,
    Didem Cambaz

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> [fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>]
    Sent: 12 Nisan 2023 Çarşamba 19:28
    To: FDSN Working Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] Voting phase (14th-21th April) Final Report on the miniSEED3 Proposal

    Dear WG2 members,

    As I mentioned some weeks ago, we are closing the time window to discuss
    the outcome of the final report regarding the *miniSEED3* Proposal.

    The final recommendation was clear

    "The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical

    As established in the Framework for adoption of features we've been
    using in the last years, we need to decide if we accept the
    recommendation from the Review Team and move on with a decision about
    its adoption and coexistence with our other community standards.

    In summary,

    *When* Voting from *14th April to 21th April*
    *What* Vote *Yes/No* for the Acceptance of the Recommendation and move
    into the adoption phase.

    I would like to ask representatives to vote as soon as they can within
    this period.

    Thanks a lot to the members of the Team, who have invested their time to
    conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
    Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
    Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
    presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.



    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at