International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: RE: Vote for membership

Started: 2021-08-11 22:59:41
Last activity: 2021-08-11 22:59:41
Jonathan Bathgate
2021-08-11 22:59:41
Dear Michelle,

Geoscience Australia votes to approve the application for ESO membership.


Jonathan Bathgate |  Director
Observatory Operations and Data  |  Community Safety Branch
Place, Space and Communities Division
 t +61 2 6249 9690

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 August 2021 5:44 PM
To: FDSN representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Vote for membership

Good day

We have received the following application for membership from EarthScope-Oceans. It is an organization founded by a multidisciplinary group of geoscientists coordinating efforts to create a global network of sensors that monitor the Earth from within the oceanic environment.
The instrumentation operated by ESO is more commonly referred to as Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers (MERMAID) and is deployed in oceans where they record hydrophone data and effectively record energy from earthquakes. Groups from China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and the United States are members of ESO.
More information about ESO including the Institutions, People, Committees, and Deployments can be found at
ESO commits to providing data initially from French and US MERMAID deployments in FDSN formats including StationXML and miniSEED. Due to the moving-station characteristics of MERMAID’s positional information will be provided in a GeoCSV format introduced at the last FDSN meetings in Montreal. Initially data from at least three stations will be made available without any restrictions to release. Other MERMAID data will be subject to a two-year period of data embargo consistent with IRIS data release policies. The IRIS DMC has agreed to act as the data center for these data.

Please could you send me your votes by the start of the IASPEI GA on 21 August 2021.

Thank you
kind regards

FDSN representatives
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