Members of FDSN WG I on stations
Attached please find the latest version of FDSN station inventory.
Please send me any amendments regarded with this inventory.
Thank you very much
Seiji Tsuboi
-----Original Message----
From: "Seiji Tsuboi" <tsuboi<at>>
Sent: 2013/07/12 14:07:45
To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN station invemtory
Members of FDSN WG I on stations
Attached please find the latest version of FDSN station inventory.
Please send me any amendments regarded with this inventory.
Schedule of WG1 is as follows. Please pass this information to relevant
personnel, who may wish to attend the meeting.
Date: Monday, 22 July 2013,
Time & place: 12:00 - 13:30, Room F3
Draft Agenda
1) Updates of FDSN station inventory
2) Updates of regional coordinators
3) FDSN backbone network
4) Other issues to be discussed in WG1
Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi