International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: General Meeting at 13:00

Started: 2017-08-03 11:20:12
Last activity: 2017-08-03 11:20:12
Goran Ekstrom
2017-08-03 11:20:12
FDSN Steering Committee members:

Please not that the FDSN General Meeting
tomorrow Friday is at 13:00 in room 503.

I have added an agenda item (2) to discuss and
potentially adopt a change in the Terms of
Reference that would allow the FDSN to act
(admit a member, adopt a standard or
recommendation, etc.) between in-person meetings.

Best regards,
Göran Ekström
Chair, FDSN


General Meeting 2 Agenda
August 4 2017, 13:00-16:00
IASPEI Meeting, Kobe, Japan
Room 503

(0) Discussion and adoption of the agenda

(1) Executive Committee Election (presentation and vote)

(2) FDSN action by email vote

(3) Working Group Reports and Recommendations
10.1 WG I
10.2 WG II
10.3 WG III
10.4 WG IV
10.5 WG V

(4) Other business

(5) Adjourn

Best regards,
Göran Ekström
Chair, FDSN