International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Open Letter on the future of miniSeed

Started: 2016-08-23 20:06:35
Last activity: 2016-08-30 18:30:17
Joseph Steim
2016-08-23 20:06:35

Participants in the discussion on the future of miniSEED

International data exchange in earthquake seismology has been effective over
decades because, among other reasons, SEED format has been mostly static.
There are places in SEED into which everything, albeit awkwardly in some
cases, has to fit. This creates a format that everybody may grouse about
equally, but lives within. As a result, there has been a remarkable level of
data sharing across networks. We were one of the early participants in the
design of miniSEED, and as a manufacturer, we have supplied equipment
embracing the advantages of a documented, common, and efficient format. It
has been gratifying to see seismology benefit so greatly over recent years,
helped along by the ability to share high-quality data. After such a long,
successful run, a few of the format’s capabilities need refreshing, but the
design remains sound.

There appear to be two main independent objectives in the present drive to
update miniSEED:

1. Extend representations of certain format elements, such as network
and location codes to accommodate growing needs.

2. Dropping some information now in the archive as defined entities in
favor of sanitizing the information permanently retained to fit an idealized
rendition of the data recorded by field equipment. As a by-product, the
extensible, documented “blockette” system would be replaced by “opaque”

Point 1 can be argued is clearly needed, although whether it is necessary to
do a wholesale rewrite of MSEED handling software worldwide to accomplish
this goal is a worthy topic of discussion. These goals could be accommodated
within the existing format, for example, by definition of new blockettes to
contain the extended identifiers. For example, reserved values could be used
for the existing network and location codes to indicate the presence of
extended identifiers. Such an approach would be forward and backward
compatible, and impose minimal changes on existing global infrastructure. I
understand some FDSN members have voiced a similar opinion that minimally
invasive changes could be developed that would address the requirements.

Point 2 is, as a matter of design philosophy, not a good idea. For an
archival format, as much information as possible about the recording
environment and the equipment should be maintained – and documented, not
filtered out - for potential use decades from now. Some of the proposals, in
the spirit of extensibility, propose moving some information that is now
fully enumerated in the published SEED format specification into opaque
headers - what might be called the information “gray market”.

The objective of Point 2 is essentially to strip the published format down
to some clean bones, and neither mandate nor even define data structures
that may be pertinent to only one class of equipment in the format’s
definition. This is a nice idea from a data center’s view, since all the
burden of interpreting any information that might have its formal
specification decommissioned would be pushed onto the user. It’s a bad idea
from the point of view of future integrity and maximum usefulness of the
archive, since “opaque” data is likely to be undocumented, poorly
documented, or even omitted altogether as data are passed from archive to
archive over time. A diversity of information should be supported, and
defined in the archival format. The solution to managing information that
may be important to interpretation or future harvesting is not to eliminate
the information, but to document it. For an analog, imagine WWSSN
seismograms that have no writing on the back. Some of the comments in email
threads appear to agree with the point that more information pertinent to
the recording environment, not less, is better in an archival format.

Of course changing the format in a non-backward-compatible way, as proposed
in the changes driven by Point 2, does risk blowing up a lot of things that
work now. Is it worth it? Ultimately all format definitions are arbitrary.
Much of what is being proposed is effectively an arbitrary rearrangement. If
this were 1988, the cost would be minimal. Now, frankly, to arbitrarily
change fundamental aspects of the design of what has been one of the most
successful collaborative undertakings in earthquake seismology seems at
least unnecessary, if not a wholly unproductive use of resources. Everyone’s
infrastructure will not be simplified, but complicated by the major
bifurcation in the format used to exchange data worldwide. Every tool will
have to support not one, but both formats. This will not necessarily make
things better, but it will make work. A measured approach to solve the
actual problems, such as inadequate namespaces for certain format elements,
might address the task in a simple, direct, and efficient way that does not
create an enduring burden.

In a spirit of collaboration, we have responded to a number of the proposed
specific points in the relevant email threads. In general, however, we are
opposed to a redesign that would result in non-backward compatibility. We
would support a working group, and would be happy to serve, to develop an
approach to incorporate necessary changes, while retaining as much backward
compatibility as possible.

Best Regards

Dr. Joseph M. Steim
Quanterra, Inc.
steim<at> <steim<at>>

  • Chad Trabant
    2016-08-24 21:28:17
    Hi Joe,

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments and for your participation in the straw man based process so far. The feedback from equipment manufacturers and other data producers is very valuable.

    Your Point 2 about dropping information, reforming it and relegating it to a so-called "gray market" is important. Swayed by your previous feedback and change proposals we at the IRIS DMC created our own change proposal (#15) to transform the opaque data headers to optional data headers, where some are defined and some not. The intention is to provide a mechanism to be used for both FDSN defined flags/information and allow undefined flags to be inserted efficiently; in the end more capable than blockettes and addressing the opaque/gray market concern. This is the intended process with the straw man model, and demonstrates that it is working. If an interested party would like to retain the blockette structure, that too could be proposed and discussed.

    The straw man should not be judged as a completed definition, it has not undergone even the first revision. I agree that arbitrary changes that deviate from past practices should be scrutinized carefully, and minimized, unless there are compelling reasons to change. Perhaps, for some, the initial straw man included too many changes from current usage, but I am optimistic that it will move in the direction of consensus. Trying to answer the overarching question of whether the end result would be worth the change cost is premature. We do not know what it is yet. We understand your position to be that any change that is not backwards compatible is not worth it, which is perfectly valid and will continue to influenced the process.

    The discussion so far has already gathered more input and thoughts, across a broad audience, on the future of miniSEED than I have ever experienced in FDSN exchanges. This has been mostly constructive, valuable, and will inform any future discussions.

    Best regards,

    On Aug 23, 2016, at 10:06 AM, Joseph Steim <steim<at>> wrote:

    Participants in the discussion on the future of miniSEED

    International data exchange in earthquake seismology has been effective over decades because, among other reasons, SEED format has been mostly static. There are places in SEED into which everything, albeit awkwardly in some cases, has to fit. This creates a format that everybody may grouse about equally, but lives within. As a result, there has been a remarkable level of data sharing across networks. We were one of the early participants in the design of miniSEED, and as a manufacturer, we have supplied equipment embracing the advantages of a documented, common, and efficient format. It has been gratifying to see seismology benefit so greatly over recent years, helped along by the ability to share high-quality data. After such a long, successful run, a few of the format’s capabilities need refreshing, but the design remains sound.

    There appear to be two main independent objectives in the present drive to update miniSEED:

    1. Extend representations of certain format elements, such as network and location codes to accommodate growing needs.
    2. Dropping some information now in the archive as defined entities in favor of sanitizing the information permanently retained to fit an idealized rendition of the data recorded by field equipment. As a by-product, the extensible, documented “blockette” system would be replaced by “opaque” data.

    Point 1 can be argued is clearly needed, although whether it is necessary to do a wholesale rewrite of MSEED handling software worldwide to accomplish this goal is a worthy topic of discussion. These goals could be accommodated within the existing format, for example, by definition of new blockettes to contain the extended identifiers. For example, reserved values could be used for the existing network and location codes to indicate the presence of extended identifiers. Such an approach would be forward and backward compatible, and impose minimal changes on existing global infrastructure. I understand some FDSN members have voiced a similar opinion that minimally invasive changes could be developed that would address the requirements.

    Point 2 is, as a matter of design philosophy, not a good idea. For an archival format, as much information as possible about the recording environment and the equipment should be maintained – and documented, not filtered out - for potential use decades from now. Some of the proposals, in the spirit of extensibility, propose moving some information that is now fully enumerated in the published SEED format specification into opaque headers - what might be called the information “gray market”.

    The objective of Point 2 is essentially to strip the published format down to some clean bones, and neither mandate nor even define data structures that may be pertinent to only one class of equipment in the format’s definition. This is a nice idea from a data center’s view, since all the burden of interpreting any information that might have its formal specification decommissioned would be pushed onto the user. It’s a bad idea from the point of view of future integrity and maximum usefulness of the archive, since “opaque” data is likely to be undocumented, poorly documented, or even omitted altogether as data are passed from archive to archive over time. A diversity of information should be supported, and defined in the archival format. The solution to managing information that may be important to interpretation or future harvesting is not to eliminate the information, but to document it. For an analog, imagine WWSSN seismograms that have no writing on the back. Some of the comments in email threads appear to agree with the point that more information pertinent to the recording environment, not less, is better in an archival format.

    Of course changing the format in a non-backward-compatible way, as proposed in the changes driven by Point 2, does risk blowing up a lot of things that work now. Is it worth it? Ultimately all format definitions are arbitrary. Much of what is being proposed is effectively an arbitrary rearrangement. If this were 1988, the cost would be minimal. Now, frankly, to arbitrarily change fundamental aspects of the design of what has been one of the most successful collaborative undertakings in earthquake seismology seems at least unnecessary, if not a wholly unproductive use of resources. Everyone’s infrastructure will not be simplified, but complicated by the major bifurcation in the format used to exchange data worldwide. Every tool will have to support not one, but both formats. This will not necessarily make things better, but it will make work. A measured approach to solve the actual problems, such as inadequate namespaces for certain format elements, might address the task in a simple, direct, and efficient way that does not create an enduring burden.

    In a spirit of collaboration, we have responded to a number of the proposed specific points in the relevant email threads. In general, however, we are opposed to a redesign that would result in non-backward compatibility. We would support a working group, and would be happy to serve, to develop an approach to incorporate necessary changes, while retaining as much backward compatibility as possible.

    Best Regards

    Dr. Joseph M. Steim
    Quanterra, Inc.
    steim<at> <steim<at>>

  • Angelo Strollo
    2016-08-25 01:46:35
    Dear all,

    EIDA Data Centers welcome and support the recent letter by J. Steim,
    coherent with our message posted on on July 8th

    As we have mentioned and detailed in various emails to this list, we
    also are deeply concerned about the potential disruption and
    deterioration of services to users due to a non-backwards compatibility
    and many changes. Therefore, our position remains that in order to
    optimize the process and usage of resources, before getting into the
    single items of the proposal we should get a better understanding of
    what we really need and want from an extension to existing SEED, how
    this can be designed, which are the expected rollout plans and what will
    be the implications for all users. Without having this clearly laid down
    it is difficult to understand and evaluate if the changes we are
    proposing are worth the efforts they will imply throughout our community.

    We appreciate the support by the FDSN Chair for a meeting in late 2016
    and this is also clear from the ongoing discussion. The aim should be
    not to discuss two alternative proposals but rather to discuss how we
    can reach the goal of maintaining a widely accepted format by addressing
    as far as possible shortcomings of the current mini-SEED format, will be
    supported by a wide section of the community, and be actively embraced
    by data centers and end users. The meeting we proposed should include an
    extensive discussion on what we really need from an extended or new
    format and how we get there with a commonly agreed strategy.

    As stated in the initial strawman the main driving motivation behind
    this effort is the need to expand the network code to satisfy the always
    growing number of demands: “Many FDSN members recognize that the current
    two-character network code needs to expand. The miniSEED format is a
    fixed length format and expanding the network code would render the
    format incompatible with the current release. Such a small, but
    disruptive change affords the opportunity to consider other changes to
    the format, allowing the FDSN to address historical issues and create a
    new foundation for current and future use.”

    Therefore we proposed a pragmatic way to immediately solve this issue
    with a cost effective solution. Still our proposal can accommodate a
    number of other issues mentioned in the strawman as listed at the bottom
    of the present e-mail [1].

    Before moving forward with this process and iterations we would like to
    invite everybody to carefully think about the general purpose of the
    changes without being biased by the technical comments or change
    proposals on the strawman. This can be done by setting up a dedicated
    Working Group (as suggested by J. Steim) or in a dedicated meeting as we
    proposed earlier. Indeed the dedicated meeting can be the fundamental
    planning forum for this Working Group. In both cases the EIDA member
    institutions are ready to actively contribute.

    ORFEUS is ready to organize the meeting in Europe (possible location and
    and date will be communicated later) and travel costs for up to 5 or 6
    participants from other continents can be covered/sponsored by ORFEUS or
    by the hosting Institute in Europe. A tentative agenda can be posted
    here and discussed within the next days. The intention is not to have
    two competing proposals, but to discuss and agree jointly the pathway to
    the adoption and rollout of an extended or new standard that should not
    be driven only by the urgent need for additional network codes.

    The ORFEUS/EIDA data centres


    1. Expand the network code.
    MS 2.5: Include expanded network code in b1002. Replace network code
    in fixed header by "99" or another reserved code.

    2. Add a miniSEED version field.
    MS 2.5: Probably not needed, but can be included in b1002.

    3. Add a data version field.
    MS 2.5: Include data version field in b1002.

    4. Move important Blockette details into fixed section of the header.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, MS 2.4 blockettes will be kept.

    5. Simplify & improve the record start time.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, MS 2.4 time structure will be kept (millisecond
    resolution is already supported by blockette 1001).

    6. Combine and drop bit flags.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, MS 2.4 bit flags will be kept.

    7. Eliminate the time correction field.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, MS 2.4 time correction field will be kept.

    8. Forward compatibility mapping.
    MS 2.5: Trivial -- since MS 2.5 is a superset of MS 2.4, any MS 2.4 file
    is also an MS 2.5 file.

    9. General compression and opaque data encodings.
    MS 2.5: In MS 2.4, encodings 1..5 (general), 10..18 (FDSN networks) and
    30..33 (older networks) are defined. Proposed new encodings 50, 51, 52
    and 100 can be added, but should be used only in special cases when
    compatibility is not an issue.

    10. Add CRC field for validating integrity.
    MS 2.5: Include CRC field in b1002. CRC should be calculated over the
    entire record, with the CRC bytes assumed to be zero for purposes of the

    11. Expand the channel codes.
    MS 2.5: Include expanded channel code in b1002. Replace channel code in
    fixed header by a reserved value.

    12. Expand the location identifier.
    MS 2.5: Include expanded location identifier in b1002. Replace location
    identifier in fixed header by a reserved value.

    13. Fixed-point data sample encoding.
    MS 2.5: See 9.

    14. No SEED 2.4 blockettes, include support for opaque headers.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, MS 2.4 blockettes will be kept. Opaque headers,
    though already supported by b2000, could be added to b1002 as well.

    15. Eliminate sequence numbers.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, sequence numbers will be kept.

    16. Eliminate the timing quality field.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable, the timing quality field will be kept.

    17. Variable record lengths.
    MS 2.5: Not applicable. This is the only addition of MS3 that cannot be
    implemented in MS 2.5. On the other hand, the proposal of variable
    length records is rather controversial anyway and there are voices
    against it.

    On 23.08.2016 19:06, Joseph Steim wrote:

    Participants in the discussion on the future of miniSEED

    International data exchange in earthquake seismology has been effective
    over decades because, among other reasons, SEED format has been mostly
    static. There are places in SEED into which everything, albeit awkwardly
    in some cases, has to fit. This creates a format that everybody may
    grouse about equally, but lives within. As a result, there has been a
    remarkable level of data sharing across networks. We were one of the
    early participants in the design of miniSEED, and as a manufacturer, we
    have supplied equipment embracing the advantages of a documented,
    common, and efficient format. It has been gratifying to see seismology
    benefit so greatly over recent years, helped along by the ability to
    share high-quality data. After such a long, successful run, a few of the
    format’s capabilities need refreshing, but the design remains sound.

    There appear to be two main independent objectives in the present drive
    to update miniSEED:

    1. Extend representations of certain format elements, such as
    network and location codes to accommodate growing needs.

    2. Dropping some information now in the archive as defined
    entities in favor of sanitizing the information permanently retained to
    fit an idealized rendition of the data recorded by field equipment. As a
    by-product, the extensible, documented “blockette” system would be
    replaced by “opaque” data.

    Point 1 can be argued is clearly needed, although whether it is
    necessary to do a wholesale rewrite of MSEED handling software worldwide
    to accomplish this goal is a worthy topic of discussion. These goals
    could be accommodated within the existing format, for example, by
    definition of new blockettes to contain the extended identifiers. For
    example, reserved values could be used for the existing network and
    location codes to indicate the presence of extended identifiers. Such an
    approach would be forward and backward compatible, and impose minimal
    changes on existing global infrastructure. I understand some FDSN
    members have voiced a similar opinion that minimally invasive changes
    could be developed that would address the requirements.

    Point 2 is, as a matter of design philosophy, not a good idea. For an
    archival format, as much information as possible about the recording
    environment and the equipment should be maintained – and documented, not
    filtered out - for potential use decades from now. Some of the
    proposals, in the spirit of extensibility, propose moving some
    information that is now fully enumerated in the published SEED format
    specification into opaque headers - what might be called the information
    “gray market”.

    The objective of Point 2 is essentially to strip the published format
    down to some clean bones, and neither mandate nor even define data
    structures that may be pertinent to only one class of equipment in the
    format’s definition. This is a nice idea from a data center’s view,
    since all the burden of interpreting any information that might have its
    formal specification decommissioned would be pushed onto the user. It’s
    a bad idea from the point of view of future integrity and maximum
    usefulness of the archive, since “opaque” data is likely to be
    undocumented, poorly documented, or even omitted altogether as data are
    passed from archive to archive over time. A diversity of information
    should be supported, and defined in the archival format. The solution to
    managing information that may be important to interpretation or future
    harvesting is not to eliminate the information, but to document it. For
    an analog, imagine WWSSN seismograms that have no writing on the back.
    Some of the comments in email threads appear to agree with the point
    that more information pertinent to the recording environment, not less,
    is better in an archival format.

    Of course changing the format in a non-backward-compatible way, as
    proposed in the changes driven by Point 2, does risk blowing up a lot of
    things that work now. Is it worth it? Ultimately all format definitions
    are arbitrary. Much of what is being proposed is effectively an
    arbitrary rearrangement. If this were 1988, the cost would be minimal.
    Now, frankly, to arbitrarily change fundamental aspects of the design of
    what has been one of the most successful collaborative undertakings in
    earthquake seismology seems at least unnecessary, if not a wholly
    unproductive use of resources. Everyone’s infrastructure will not be
    simplified, but complicated by the major bifurcation in the format used
    to exchange data worldwide. Every tool will have to support not one, but
    both formats. This will not necessarily make things better, but it will
    make work. A measured approach to solve the actual problems, such as
    inadequate namespaces for certain format elements, might address the
    task in a simple, direct, and efficient way that does not create an
    enduring burden.

    In a spirit of collaboration, we have responded to a number of the
    proposed specific points in the relevant email threads. In general,
    however, we are opposed to a redesign that would result in non-backward
    compatibility. We would support a working group, and would be happy to
    serve, to develop an approach to incorporate necessary changes, while
    retaining as much backward compatibility as possible.

    Best Regards

    Dr. Joseph M. Steim
    Quanterra, Inc.
    steim<at> <steim<at>>

    Department 2 Geophysics
    Section 2.4 Seismology - GEOFON
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/2881285
    Mob.: +49 (0)172/8590874
    Fax : +49 (0)331/2881277
    Email: strollo<at>

    Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
    GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences
    Public Law Foundation State of Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam
    House A3 Room 207

  • Barbara Romanowicz
    2016-08-28 17:58:21
    Hi Joe, hi all,

    Thanks for including me on these e-mail exchanges. As a long time producer
    and intense user of SEED data, and as having participated in the
    discussions that led to the birth of SEED/mini-SEED as a global data
    exchange format for broadband seismology within the FDSN 30 years ago, I
    recognize that SEED may seem very clumsy given the evolution of computer
    languages and in particular object-oriented coding, as well as other
    shortcomings such as the two letter network code limitation. Some
    improvements/enhancements should certainly be considered.

    When SEED was designed, the focus was to standardize a format that would
    contain all the necessary and accurate information to fully understand the
    data, for the benefit of high quality science. It went along with effort at
    developing standards for the quality of the broadband instrumentation,
    which are also still relevant.

    If the format under discussion was for a completely new type of data
    acquired for different purposes than the original purpose of SEED, then
    only would it be justified to "start from scratch". Why break it if it
    works so well?

    I particularly wish to support two of the points made by Joe Steim.

    1- Because it is now so widely and effectively used, and serves the purpose
    of the users that depend on the data for their research, any changes going
    forward MUST be backward compatible. Otherwise, this will create havoc in
    the user community, that could halt progress in funded science by several
    months if not a year for a large international community, for no compelling
    reason. That translates into a huge amount of unnecessary frustration, as
    well as substantial financial costs.

    2- I am really alarmed at any suggestion of reducing the amount of
    information to be included in the metadata. Time and again, someone
    discovers a problem with some older data, that can only be understood if
    one digs deep into the metadata, and if the information is there, the data
    are still useful. Should we then be throwing away such data, that may have
    great value because they uniquely correspond to some original
    source-station path, or an event that was not previously considered

    Surely, there must be ways to address some of the shortcomings of SEED
    without discarding information, and in a backward compatible way!


    Barbara Romanowicz

    On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Joseph Steim <steim<at>> wrote:

    Participants in the discussion on the future of miniSEED

    International data exchange in earthquake seismology has been effective
    over decades because, among other reasons, SEED format has been mostly
    static. There are places in SEED into which everything, albeit awkwardly in
    some cases, has to fit. This creates a format that everybody may grouse
    about equally, but lives within. As a result, there has been a remarkable
    level of data sharing across networks. We were one of the early
    participants in the design of miniSEED, and as a manufacturer, we have
    supplied equipment embracing the advantages of a documented, common, and
    efficient format. It has been gratifying to see seismology benefit so
    greatly over recent years, helped along by the ability to share
    high-quality data. After such a long, successful run, a few of the format’s
    capabilities need refreshing, but the design remains sound.

    There appear to be two main independent objectives in the present drive to
    update miniSEED:

    1. Extend representations of certain format elements, such as
    network and location codes to accommodate growing needs.

    2. Dropping some information now in the archive as defined entities
    in favor of sanitizing the information permanently retained to fit an
    idealized rendition of the data recorded by field equipment. As a
    by-product, the extensible, documented “blockette” system would be replaced
    by “opaque” data.

    Point 1 can be argued is clearly needed, although whether it is necessary
    to do a wholesale rewrite of MSEED handling software worldwide to
    accomplish this goal is a worthy topic of discussion. These goals could be
    accommodated within the existing format, for example, by definition of new
    blockettes to contain the extended identifiers. For example, reserved
    values could be used for the existing network and location codes to
    indicate the presence of extended identifiers. Such an approach would be
    forward and backward compatible, and impose minimal changes on existing
    global infrastructure. I understand some FDSN members have voiced a similar
    opinion that minimally invasive changes could be developed that would
    address the requirements.

    Point 2 is, as a matter of design philosophy, not a good idea. For an
    archival format, as much information as possible about the recording
    environment and the equipment should be maintained – and documented, not
    filtered out - for potential use decades from now. Some of the proposals,
    in the spirit of extensibility, propose moving some information that is now
    fully enumerated in the published SEED format specification into opaque
    headers - what might be called the information “gray market”.

    The objective of Point 2 is essentially to strip the published format down
    to some clean bones, and neither mandate nor even define data structures
    that may be pertinent to only one class of equipment in the format’s
    definition. This is a nice idea from a data center’s view, since all the
    burden of interpreting any information that might have its formal
    specification decommissioned would be pushed onto the user. It’s a bad idea
    from the point of view of future integrity and maximum usefulness of the
    archive, since “opaque” data is likely to be undocumented, poorly
    documented, or even omitted altogether as data are passed from archive to
    archive over time. A diversity of information should be supported, and
    defined in the archival format. The solution to managing information that
    may be important to interpretation or future harvesting is not to eliminate
    the information, but to document it. For an analog, imagine WWSSN
    seismograms that have no writing on the back. Some of the comments in email
    threads appear to agree with the point that more information pertinent to
    the recording environment, not less, is better in an archival format.

    Of course changing the format in a non-backward-compatible way, as
    proposed in the changes driven by Point 2, does risk blowing up a lot of
    things that work now. Is it worth it? Ultimately all format definitions are
    arbitrary. Much of what is being proposed is effectively an arbitrary
    rearrangement. If this were 1988, the cost would be minimal. Now, frankly,
    to arbitrarily change fundamental aspects of the design of what has been
    one of the most successful collaborative undertakings in earthquake
    seismology seems at least unnecessary, if not a wholly unproductive use of
    resources. Everyone’s infrastructure will not be simplified, but
    complicated by the major bifurcation in the format used to exchange data
    worldwide. Every tool will have to support not one, but both formats. This
    will not necessarily make things better, but it will make work. A measured
    approach to solve the actual problems, such as inadequate namespaces for
    certain format elements, might address the task in a simple, direct, and
    efficient way that does not create an enduring burden.

    In a spirit of collaboration, we have responded to a number of the
    proposed specific points in the relevant email threads. In general,
    however, we are opposed to a redesign that would result in non-backward
    compatibility. We would support a working group, and would be happy to
    serve, to develop an approach to incorporate necessary changes, while
    retaining as much backward compatibility as possible.

    Best Regards

    Dr. Joseph M. Steim
    Quanterra, Inc.

  • Tim Ahern
    2016-08-30 18:30:17

    Thanks to everyone that provided feedback regarding a new version of miniSeed. We think this was very valuable and will help inform any process moving forward. This feedback included both support and resistance to the concept. Due to the lack of support for the current approach, we are not going to continue our current approach. We do believe strongly that the current miniSeed needs to be looked at closely so that we can continue making it a viable format as we move forward. The current version has many weaknesses that need addressing directly and not a workaround. We encourage WG II to consider an alternative to what we have been promoting for discussion at the next FDSN meetings in Kobe.

    Cheers and thanks
    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX