International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Next generation miniSEED - 2016-3-30 straw man change proposal 8 - Allow digitizer to set indicators in fixed section of header

Started: 2016-08-11 19:52:12
Last activity: 2016-08-23 20:47:05

Hi all,

Change proposal #8 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached: Allow digitizer to set indicators in fixed section of header.

Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by Wednesday August 24th.


  • I feel this would be better accomplished with the opaque headers
    instead of a bit array, especially since it allows more information
    and a larger list of possible issues to be recorded.

    A list of commonly used "keys" for this type of things would be useful
    so that the same issue is stored in the same manner across different
    data loggers.


    On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Change proposal #8 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached:
    Allow digitizer to set indicators in fixed section of header.

    Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by
    Wednesday August 24th.


    Posted to multiple topics:
    FDSN Working Group II
    FDSN Working Group III

    Sent via IRIS Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Agree strongly with retention of all information pertaining to the integrity
    of the recording environment, and hence the data.

    From: Chad Trabant [chad<at>]
    Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:52 PM
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>; Bob Hutt <Hutt<at>>;
    Bruce Beaudoin <bruce<at>>; Pete Davis
    <pdavis<at>>; Kent Anderson <kent<at>>; Bob Woodward
    <woodward<at>>; Katrin Hafner <hafner<at>>; Justin Sweet
    <jrsweet<at>>; Brent.Evers<at>; David Wilson <dwilson<at>>;
    Mathias Franke <mathias.franke<at>>; Ogie Kuraica <ogie<at>>; Neil
    Spriggs <NeilSpriggs<at>>; Angel Rodriguez
    <angel<at>>; Leonid Zimakov <L.Zimakov<at>>; Edelvays
    Spassov <ens<at>>; Branden Christensen
    <branden.christensen<at>>; Dieter Stoll
    <dstoll<at>>; Seiji Tsuboi <tsuboi<at>>; Jara
    Salvador, Jose Antonio <JoseAntonio.Jara<at>>; David Easton
    <davideaston<at>>; timparker<at>; John Clinton
    <jclinton<at>>; Vallee Martin <vallee<at>>; Constantin Ionescu
    <viorel<at>>; Marmureanu.Alexandru<at>; Bogdan Grecu
    <bgrecu<at>>; Cristian Neagoe <cristian.neagoe<at>>; Helle Pedersen
    <Helle.Pedersen<at>>; Catherine Pequegnat
    <catherine.pequegnat<at>>; Pierre Volcke
    <pierre.volcke<at>>; Angelo Strollo
    <strollo<at>>; Sébastien Judenherc
    <Sebastien.Judenherc<at>>; Tony Russell
    <tony.russell<at>>; Robert Leugoud <rleugoud<at>>; Jiang Li
    <lijiang01<at>>; Lani Oncescu <lani<at>>; Shawn Goessen
    <support<at>>; Dennis Pumphrey <dp<at>>; Suzan Kowalski
    <suzankowalski<at>>; Bruce Townsend
    <brucetownsend<at>>; Joseph Steim <steim<at>>; Ian
    Billings <reftek_support<at>>; Claudio Parma <c.parma<at>>
    Cc: fdsn Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>; FDSN Working Group III
    Subject: Next generation miniSEED - 2016-3-30 straw man change proposal 8 -
    Allow digitizer to set indicators in fixed section of header

    Hi all,

    Change proposal #8 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached:
    Allow digitizer to set indicators in fixed section of header.

    Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by
    Wednesday August 24th.

