International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: [FDSN WG-2] UPDATE: Proposal for FDSN Waveform Quality Metrics

Started: 2015-11-09 17:00:19
Last activity: 2015-11-09 17:00:19
Dear WG-II members,

Apologies for the previous email that lacked the important attachment needing your attention,
this being sent on behalf of Reinoud Sleeman.

Please find the proposal for the definition of FDSN waveform quality metrics as suggested during
the Prague meeting. After exploring the systems in place and/or in development at IRIS DMC and
ORFEUS EIDA there are a number of basic metrics in common. The attached document describes the
proposed metrics where the green highlighted text refers to, in my opinion, differences in both
systems and/or definitions that requires agreement.

I believe the 2 systems are pretty close but some details must be defined slightly better and agreed upon.

Looking forward for your feedback.
