International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: U19: Scientific Progress in Geophysics from 25 Years of Sharing Data and Resources

Started: 2009-08-20 21:53:26
Last activity: 2009-08-20 21:53:26
Dear FDSN colleague,

I write to you to announce a special Union Session at the upcoming AGU
meeting in San Francisco, "U19: Scientific Progress in Geophysics from
25 Years of Sharing Data and Resources." As the FDSN approaches its own
25-year anniversary, our international community has benefited greatly
from the principles of shared resources and open data exchange espoused
by FDSN members. The broadband networks of FDSN have been a fundamental
source of progress in seismology and geophysics, and a garden for
scientific discovery.

As a co-convener of this Union Session, I welcome and encourage your
participation in this session, and look forward to seeing you in San

Best Regards,

Rhett Butler


Session Announcement:

U19: Scientific Progress in Geophysics from 25 Years of Sharing Data and

Twenty-five years ago the U.S. seismological community committed itself
the notion that sharing seismological data and instrumentation would
dramatically advance research and education in seismology. The
undertaking that grew from that commitment proved remarkably successful,
not in the least because vast improvements in instrumentation went
hand-in-hand with the establishment of a global network, the acquisition
of a large communal pool of portable instrumentation, and agreements on
data archiving and free data exchange that were revolutionary at the
The explosion of resources and open data that flowed from the IRIS
consortium transformed the science of seismology, revolutionized our
holistic understanding of the structure and dynamics of our planet, and
ushered in an exciting new era of cross-disciplinary research. A strong
interconnection has developed between advances in seismological research
and complementary progress in marine geophysics, mineral physics,
geodynamics, tectonophysics, geodesy, geochemistry, petrology, and
planetary science. Rapidly evolving integrative research has impacted
areas as varied as tsunami monitoring, episodic tremor and slip, deep
earth structure, and climate-change induced ice sheet seismicity, and it
is a principal cornerstone of EarthScope. The successful IRIS model has
since been widely emulated by others, including the COMPRES, CIG, and
consortia, and it challenges other research communities to embrace the
principles of shared resources and open data exchange. We welcome
contributions from all geophysical and related disciplines that address
the critical role played by organized sharing of data and resources in
advancing geophysical research and influencing future directions.


Please note that the deadline for electronic abstract submission is
September 3rd, 2009. For additional information see or contact one of the conveners.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.


David James. james<at> <james<at>>
Guust Nolet. nolet<at> <nolet<at>>
Rhett Butler. rhett<at> <rhett<at>>
Robert Liebermann. robert.liebermann<at>